Botmation Documentation



This single BotAction is the go to approach in blocking segments of assembly lines with identifiable names for catching errors.

It can be nested, which is helpful to isolatie obscure async errors, deeply nested in assembly lines.

Learn more in the Error Handling documentation.


Errors assembles BotAction's of the second call errors()() in a try/catch to swallow the error, and log it with the name provided in the first call errors().

If the returned BotAction catches an error, it does not disrupt it's line of assembly.

const errors =
(errorsBlockName: string = 'Unnamed Errors Block') =>
(...actions: BotAction<PipeValue|void>[]): BotAction<any> =>
async(page, ...injects) => {
try {
if (injectsHavePipe(injects)) {
return await pipe()(...actions)(page, ...injects)
return await chain(...(actions as BotAction[]))(page, ...injects)
} catch(error) {
logError('caught in ' + errorsBlockName)

errors()()() detects for a Pipe object in the injects before choosing the assembly method, to maintain consistency with its own assembly. In that, it maintains the assembly aborting behavior of either Chain or Pipe, depending on which assembly style is used.

For an usage example, see Errors BotAction

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