Botmation Documentation

Assembly Lines

Assembly Lines

These higher order functions provide a way to assemble other BotAction's declaratively. They are a vital part of Botmation.


Imagine a bunch of circular links in a line forming a chain. Each link is a separate BotAction to be run in the order declared. All BotAction's operate in the same Puppeteer page provided.

const chain =
(...actions: BotAction<void|AbortLineSignal>[]): BotAction<void|AbortLineSignal> =>
async(page, ...injects) => {
if (injectsHavePipe(injects)) {
if(actions.length === 1) {
const returnValue = await actions[0](page, ...injects.splice(0, injects.length - 1))
if (isAbortLineSignal(returnValue) && returnValue.assembledLines !== 1) {
return processAbortLineSignal(returnValue) as AbortLineSignal
} else {
const returnValue = await chainRunner(...actions)(page, ...injects.splice(0, injects.length - 1))
if (isAbortLineSignal(returnValue)) {
return returnValue
} else {
if(actions.length === 1) {
const returnValue = await actions[0](page, ...injects)
if (isAbortLineSignal(returnValue) && returnValue.assembledLines !== 1) {
return processAbortLineSignal(returnValue) as AbortLineSignal
} else {
const returnValue = await chainRunner(...actions)(page, ...injects)
if (isAbortLineSignal(returnValue)) {
return returnValue

chain() assembled BotAction's in the first call then returns a BotAction to run those declared BotAction's in line. If the Chain detects a Pipe object in the injects, the Chain removes it from the BotAction's injects.

Chain follows the usual aborting behavior, if an assembled BotAction returns an AbortLineSignal with one assembledLines, it will abort the line. However, Chain will not return an AbortLineSignal pipeValue on the event of it being the last line to abort.

See Building Bots & Composing BotAction's for usage examples.


Pipes are like Chains except it injects a Pipe object at the end, for all assembled BotAction's. The Pipe object's value is undefined unless a BotAction returns a value. This enables BotAction's to share data forward, to the next BotAction.

const pipe =
(valueToPipe?: PipeValue) =>
(...actions: BotAction<PipeValue|AbortLineSignal|void>[]): BotAction<any> =>
async(page, ...injects) => {
if (injectsHavePipe(injects)) {
if (actions.length === 0) {return undefined}
if (actions.length === 1) {
let returnValue: PipeValue|AbortLineSignal|void
if (valueToPipe) {
returnValue = await actions[0](page, ...injects.splice(0, injects.length - 1), wrapValueInPipe(valueToPipe))
} else {
returnValue = await actions[0](page, ...injects)
if (isAbortLineSignal(returnValue)) {
return processAbortLineSignal(returnValue)
} else {
return returnValue
} else {
if (valueToPipe) {
return pipeRunner(...actions)(page, ...injects.splice(0, injects.length - 1), wrapValueInPipe(valueToPipe))
} else {
return pipeRunner(...actions)(page, ...injects)
} else {
if (actions.length === 0) {return undefined}
if (actions.length === 1) {
const returnValue = await actions[0](page, ...injects, wrapValueInPipe(valueToPipe))
if (isAbortLineSignal(returnValue)) {
return processAbortLineSignal(returnValue)
} else {
return returnValue
} else {
return pipeRunner(...actions)(page, ...injects, wrapValueInPipe(valueToPipe))

The first call pipe() is for setting or overriding a Pipe object's value (for the first BotAction). The second call pipe()() assembles declared BotAction's. The third call pipe()()() is the actual BotAction to run the assembled BotAction's with piping.

Pipe follows the usual behavior for aborting. An AbortLineSignal with assembledLines of one will abort the assembled Pipe line. When it's the last assembled line to abort, it will return the AbortLineSignal pipeValue.

See Piping for an usage examples.

Assembly Line

Assembly Lines are another way to assemble BotAction's for running. They detect the context (the higher line) for piping, and copy what is found. If an Assembly Line is ran inside a Pipe, it will run assembled BotAction's inside a Pipe, otherwise inside a Chain.

The exception to this, is using the first call assemblyLine(true) to override that behavior and force the assembled BotAction's to run in a Pipe.

const assemblyLine =
(forceInPipe: boolean = false) =>
(...actions: BotAction<any>[]): BotAction<any> =>
async(page, ...injects) => {
if (injectsHavePipe(injects) || forceInPipe) {
if (actions.length === 0) {return undefined}
else if (actions.length === 1) {
const pipeActionResult = await actions[0](page, ...pipeInjects(injects))
if (isAbortLineSignal(pipeActionResult)) {
return processAbortLineSignal(pipeActionResult)
} else {
return pipeActionResult
} else {
return pipeRunner(...actions)(page, ...pipeInjects(injects))
} else {
if (actions.length === 1) {
const chainActionResult = await actions[0](page, ...injects)
if (isAbortLineSignal(chainActionResult)) {
return processAbortLineSignal(chainActionResult)
} else if (actions.length > 1) {
return chainRunner(...actions)(page, ...injects)

The second call assemblyLine()() assembles declared BotAction's. The third call assemblyLine()()() is the actual BotAction to run the async functionality.

Assembly Line follows the usual aborting behavior for Pipe and Chain, except when it's running as a Chain, it will return an AbortLineSignal pipeValue, if it's the last assembled line being aborted. Normal Chain's do not return that value.

For an usage example, see inject()().

Switch Pipe

Switch Pipes provide a way to assemble BotAction's with the same Pipe object. Each BotAction assembled in the second call of switchPipe()() will receive the same Pipe value wrapped in the same Pipe object, no matter what these BotAction's return.

Switch Pipe "switches" each Pipe object injected, back to the original one received.

Switch Pipe was built to provide a functional switch statement. Similar to an if statement, a switch statement tests a case condition to determine if its code blocks should run, except switch supports multiple cases. Switch Pipe makes this possible by providing the same Pipe object to each BotAction assembled, to test or operate on for any case(s).

BotAction's like pipeCase()() or pipeCases()() fit perfectly here. They test the received Pipe object value against its own provided values, to determine if their assembled BotAction's should run.

Both pipeCase()() and pipeCases()() functions return a CasesSignal that can catalyze Switch Pipe into aborting with one less assembledLines count. This supports Switch Pipe's unique aborting functionality that mirrors break; inside a traditional switch code block.

By default, an AbortLineSignal with assembledLines of 1, is absorbed by Switch Pipe, as if ignored, until Switch Pipe receives a CasesSignal with conditionPass as true, then abort(1) will break the assembled line.

When an assembled pipeCase()() runs its assembled BotAction's, it informs its Switch Pipe into lowering the required assembledLines count by 1 for its aborting logic. This enables a conditional breaking of the assembled Switch Pipe line, similar to how switch, case(s) and break(s) work together.

const switchPipe =
(toPipe?: PipeValue) =>
(...actions: BotAction<PipeValue|AbortLineSignal|CasesSignal|void>[]): BotAction<any[]|AbortLineSignal|PipeValue> =>
async(page, ...injects) => {
if (!toPipe) {
toPipe = getInjectsPipeValue(injects)
if (injectsHavePipe(injects)) {
injects = injects.slice(0, injects.length - 1)
let hasAtLeastOneCaseMatch = false
const actionsResults = []
for(const action of actions) {
let resolvedActionResult = await action(page, ...injects)
if (isCasesSignal(resolvedActionResult) && resolvedActionResult.conditionPass) {
hasAtLeastOneCaseMatch = true
} else if (isAbortLineSignal(resolvedActionResult)) {
if (resolvedActionResult.assembledLines === 0) {
return resolvedActionResult
if (!hasAtLeastOneCaseMatch) {
resolvedActionResult = processAbortLineSignal(resolvedActionResult)
if (!isAbortLineSignal(resolvedActionResult)) {
} else if (resolvedActionResult.assembledLines === 1) {
return actionsResults
} else {
return processAbortLineSignal(resolvedActionResult)
} else {
return actionsResults

Except for abort(0), which aborts the entire bot, Switch Pipe absorbs abort(1) when no cases have matched.

When Switch Pipe receives a CasesSignal with conditionPass = true from an assembled BotAction, it lowers its aborting assembledLines count by 1.

It does this by reducing received AbortLineSignal's assembledLines count by 1, when the Switch Pipe has yet to receive a CasesSignal with conditionPass = true, from an assembled BotAction.

Once Switch Pipe receives a CasesSignal with a true conditionPass, it stops pre-processing received AbortLineSignal's, enabling abort(1) to break a Switch Pipe line and return the actions' results.

Here's a table to understand it's unique aborting logic. This logic is applied after Switch Pipe subtracts 1 from an AbortLineSignal's assembledLines count, if it has yet to have a case match:

0don't break Switch Pipe line, append the AbortLineSignal.pipeValue to the returned array
1break Switch Pipe line, append the AbortLineSignal.pipeValue to the returned array then return that array
2+break Switch Pipe line, return AbortLineSignal with assembledLines reduced by 1

For a complete example with pipe casing and aborts, see LinkedIn's Feed BotAction likeUserPostsFrom().

Pipe Action Or Actions

This BotAction fits a niche purpose, of running BotAction's in a Pipe that are returned from a callback function.

const pipeActionOrActions =
(actionOrActions: BotAction<PipeValue> | BotAction<PipeValue>[]): BotAction<PipeValue|undefined|AbortLineSignal> =>
async(page, ...injects) => {
if (Array.isArray(actionOrActions)) {
return pipe()(...actionOrActions)(page, ...injects)
} else {
const singleActionResult = await actionOrActions(page, ...pipeInjects(injects))
if (isAbortLineSignal(singleActionResult)) {
return processAbortLineSignal(singleActionResult)
} else {
return singleActionResult

This is a unique kind of Pipe to help when you don't know if you're given an array of BotAction's or just one BotAction. This is different from the common approach of spreading an array of BotAction's.

This BotAction has the same aborting behavior as Pipes, for either case: one BotAction or an array of BotAction's. It takes one assembledLines to break and return an AbortLineSignal pipeValue. Any more assembledLines and you'll break further lines of BotAction's while carrying the pipeValue up.

For an usage example, see forAll()().


These are less optimized, less configurable versions of chain() and pipe()(). It's recommended to avoid using these directly, but both chain()() and pipe()()() use them respectively.


const chainRunner =
(...actions: BotAction<void|AbortLineSignal>[]): BotAction<void|AbortLineSignal|PipeValue> =>
async(page, ...injects) => {
let returnValue: any
for(const action of actions) {
returnValue = await action(page, ...injects)
if (isAbortLineSignal(returnValue)) {
return processAbortLineSignal(returnValue)

This BotAction is similar to Chain in handling AbortLineSignal's, except it will return an AbortLineSignal pipeValue on being the last aborted line.


const pipeRunner =
(...actions: BotAction<PipeValue|void|AbortLineSignal>[]): BotAction<PipeValue|AbortLineSignal|undefined> =>
async(page, ...injects) => {
let pipeObject: Pipe = createEmptyPipe()
if (injectsHavePipe(injects)) {
pipeObject = getInjectsPipeOrEmptyPipe(injects)
injects = injects.slice(0, injects.length - 1)
for(const action of actions) {
const nextPipeValueOrUndefined: AbortLineSignal|PipeValue|void = await action(page, ...injects, pipeObject)
if (isAbortLineSignal(nextPipeValueOrUndefined)) {
return processAbortLineSignal(nextPipeValueOrUndefined)
pipeObject = wrapValueInPipe(nextPipeValueOrUndefined as PipeValue|undefined)
return pipeObject.value

This BotAction handles AbortLineSignal's the same way as Pipe's do. It takes one assembledLines to abort out of a pipeRunner()().

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