Botmation Documentation

Local Storage

Local Storage

These BotAction's interact with the Page's Local Storage.

Clear All Local Storage

Clears all key/value pairs in the Page's Local Storage.

const clearAllLocalStorage: BotAction =
async (page) => {
await page.evaluate(


await chain(

Remove Local Storage Item

Removes one key/value pair from Local Storage based on the key provided through the higher-order params or Pipe.

const removeLocalStorageItem =
(key?: string): BotAction =>
async(page, ...injects) => {
const pipeValue = getInjectsPipeValue(injects)
if (!key) {
if (pipeValue) {
if (pipeValue.key) {
key = pipeValue.key
} else {
key = pipeValue
await page.evaluate(
key ? key : 'missing-key'

The key can be passed in as the Pipe's value or as the Pipe's value wrapped object ie {key: 'some-key'}.


await chain(

Set Local Storage Item

Sets one key/value pair in Local Storage by the key provided.

const setLocalStorageItem =
(key?: string, value?: string): BotAction =>
async(page, ...injects) => {
const pipeValue = getInjectsPipeValue(injects)
if (!value) {
if (pipeValue) {
// idea here is that the Pipe value is anothe object with keys {key: '', value: ''} -> to map as what we are setting in the DB
if (pipeValue.value) {
value = pipeValue.value
} else {
// with potential fallback that the Pipe's value IS the value to set, and we'll get the key from the BotAction's higher order `key` param
value = pipeValue
if (!key) {
if (pipeValue && pipeValue.key) {
key = pipeValue.key
await page.evaluate(
key ? key : 'missing-key',
value ? value : 'missing-value'

Both the key and value can be passed in through a mixture of higher-order params and Pipe values. Higher-order params override injected values, including Pipe. The Pipe value can be value you want to set directly, or an object for the key and/or value ie {key: 'some-key', value: 'some-value'}.

await chain(
setLocalStorageItem('auth-token', 'some-real-auth-token-value')

Get Local Storage Item

Gets the value of one item from Local Storage by key.

const getLocalStorageItem =
(key?: string): BotAction<string|null> =>
async(page, ...injects) => {
const pipeValue = getInjectsPipeValue(injects)
if (!key) {
if (pipeValue) {
if (pipeValue.key) {
key = pipeValue.key
} else {
key = pipeValue
return page.evaluate(
key ? key : 'missing-key'

If the key does not exist, it returns null, just like Local Storage. The key can be Piped in as the Pipe's value or an object wrapped key ie {key: 'some-key'}.

For an usage example, see Pipe BotAction.


In order to interact with Local Storage in the Puppeteer Page, separate functions need to be "evaluated" in the Page. Therefore, the following Helper functions are setup as if running inside a Browser Page, instead of NodeJS.

If you console.log() in an evaluated Page function, don't look for it in NodeJS's console, but the Puppeteer Page's console.


const setLocalStorageKeyValue = (key: string, value: string) => {
localStorage.setItem(key, value)


const getLocalStorageKeyValue = (key: string): string|null =>


const removeLocalStorageKeyValue = (key: string) => {


const clearLocalStorage = () => {
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